One Way to Nairobi

Evan Rapoport
2 min readDec 6, 2019

“Not all those who wander are lost.”
~J.R.R. Tolkein.

Above northern Kenya on a small prop plane.

Wandering. That’s exactly where I am in my journey right now. In October, I put my life’s possessions into a small storage unit in Santa Cruz, California, gave up a permanent address, got a bunch of immunizations, and boarded a plane… one way to Nairobi, Kenya.

It’s both exhilarating and terrifying. I feel more like myself than ever before and less clear of who I really am. I used to know exactly where I was going, or so I thought. Now, I have little confidence in any of my ideas, but I am ok with that. I feel relatively awake and free to choose my own adventure… and for that, I am deeply grateful. Perhaps most importantly, I’m feeling good right where I am… at least on my good days :)

I’ve spent the past month or so exploring Kenya and learning about conservation work and being up-close with the wildlife on walking and driving safaris. I love being here in East Africa though I can’t fully articulate just why. I’ll explore that. My current plan is to stay here for a few months or so. I trust that when the time comes for me to move on, I’ll know it.

If you’d like to follow along and see more photos and videos, I’m on Instagram.



Evan Rapoport

Moonshots for nature and innovative philanthropy. Senior Tech Fellow at Conservation Int’l. Formerly Google X & Maps, founding CEO of Oceankind. On my own path.